Please do not send review copies to me.
This is the sole domain of the Orbis Book Reviews Editor,
Maria Isakova-Bennett;
press release only in first instance – not book – to go directly to her:
Starting with Kudos, about the Featured Competitions Section:
just to point out that details are actually current, not archived.
Without Small Press magazines,
the majority of poets who are now household names
wouldn’t be where they are today:
Carol Ann Duffy had work published in Acumen and the Rialto early on,
while Orbis was one of the first magazines to publish the work of Glyn Maxwell,
shortlisted for Best Collection in the 2013 Forward Prizes,
and Susan Wicks. She was later shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize,
with 3 collections from Faber, the rest, Bloodaxe, and most of them PBS recommendations.
Simon Armitage who ‘still has his copies’ as a former Orbis contributor
(reviews and poems), acknowledges the magazine
in his Forward Prize winning collection, Kid (Faber, 1992).
A poem by Ahren Warner, Editor of Poetry London, appeared in the magazine –
when he was aged just 15,
while Bethany W. Pope (Featured Writer, Orbis 171) had her new collection
reviewed in The Guardian: Silage; Indigo Dreams
As for the Orbis Readers’ Award, prizewinning author Ros Barber’s Joint 1st poem
was later chosen for the Forward Book of Poetry.
Likewise, Jury, by Mary MacRae, now a set ‘A’ level text –
reaching thousands of readers.
On the other hand, When Jesus Spoke to the Elephants by Ed Jones (New Jersey),
the first he’d ever had published, was chosen as Joint 1st (Orbis 183),
Subs: £20/4 pa; Overseas: £45
Single issue: £6; Overseas: £12
Both, including p+p
Introductory offer: 2 back issues for just £7, also including p+p –
now nearly £3 a time (and to think back in 2001, it was about 85p…)
Or get to know us better: a whole year’s worth as pdfs: OS, £12;
UK, + 1 back copy of the actual magazine (inc p+p)
Cheques payable to me (not to ORBIS);
For Paypal, please use the Contact Form or post request,
then payment can be made via email address
You can also get in touch via LinkedIn or Facebook:
Or by phone – when leaving a message,
please start by stating your phone number and name, very, very, very slowly.
Enquiries (not submissions, unless Overseas): carolebaldockathotmaildotcom
Submissions always welcome: four poems by post:
17 Greenhow Avenue, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 5EL
plus SAE, preferably C5 (fewer problems re postage [LARGE]
and managing to squeeze everything in [small]).
Covering letters appreciated ie a brief epistle; they do not in fact need to include your whole CV
since the year dot, plans for World peace/domination etc.
Nor your entire publishing history, although if you have previously been published in Orbis,
it is tactful to include us in the list of magazines.
It also helps to include a phone number and an email address,
with contact details on the back of each poem;
there is always a mountain of paperwork floating around.
That said: presentation should do justice to each poem so one per page…
maybe not haiku, although they do look their best with a whole sheet to themselves.
We also look forward to seeing: prose poems; prose/short stories
(1000 words maximum; extracts may be included);
translations; suggestions for artwork/articles (500 – 1000 words),
in particular, the Past Master Section: out of copyright (before the end of 1940);
couple of hundred words + 20 lines from a favourite poem
NB: email is for Overseas only: 2 submissions maximum, and no attachments.
Also, please note: contributors are asked to wait at least 12 months
after publication before sending more work:
so many excellent poems, so little space.
And with tons of paperwork, submissions per se now limited
to twice in any 12 month period –
but welcome any time of year that is.
Also, please do not re-submit work which has previously been returned
unless revised/edited, in which case, a note would be useful.
Orbis helps alleviate suffering for Arts’ sake:
Readers’ Award each issue: £50 for the winner,
plus £50 for the four (or more) runners up.
Few magazines are in a position to offer payment, or feedback,
but proofs with detailed editorial suggestions are provided
in the interests of accuracy.
And after all, you could end up paying more
for a tick sheet critique of 1 poem than for a whole year’s subs.