Magma Poetry Competition 2020/2021

January 15
Magma Poetry Competition 2020/2021



Magma Judge’s Prize for a poem of 11-50 lines
awarded by Theresa Lola, who will read all eligible entries.
1st prize £1000; 2nd prize £300; 3rd prize £150. 5 special mentions.

Magma Editors’ Prize for a poem of up to 10 lines
1st prize £1000; 2nd prize £300; 3rd prize £150. 5 special mentions.

Fee:  £5; £4 for second and £3.50 for third and each subsequent poem.
Magma subscribers: £4, £3 for second,
and £2.50 for third and each subsequent poem.

Each poem must be on a separate sheet.
Poems longer than one page must give their title on the second page
and the pages should be stapled together.
Do not include your name
or any other identifying marks on the poems themselves.
Enter online or post to:
Magma Competition, 46 First Avenue, London SW14 8SR


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