Orbis 167


Orbis 167 Spring 2014


£5 (Overseas: £9/€12/$15); Subs: £17/4 pa (Overseas: £35/€42/$58)


Front cover artwork: ‘White butterflies and magical flowers at Peyto Lake’ by Casimira Mostyn; back cover, detail from image:www.casimirasquirkyart.com/

Featured Poet

Laura SeymourGlassweed; The National Grid; My Past Life 2; Professional Dowser, 1973

Poems from: K. J. BarrettEdward Thomas Dreamed of Spring; Clif MasonThe Sunlight Was Mortal; Katherine NoonePending; Kate O’Shea:The Doll’s House; Rosina ThomasThe Blue Room; Davide TrameNotes while travelling across the lagoon

Prose from: Jacob EdwardsDyslexica; Laura SolomonDesert Life, Desert Love

David Burridge: Franz Werfel, Der Weltfreund; Howard Giskin and Tang Yao: Ma Li,Sound of a Man Walking; Keep Your First Intuition


Past Master: Anne Lawrence on William Shakespeare


Reviews by Angelina Ayers, Maria Isakova Bennett, David Harmer, S.J. Holloway, Clairr O’Connor,

Lynne Taylor, Dave Troman and Noel Williams

Orbis 167 contributors also include:

Vivienne Artt; William Alderson; Caroline Ashley; Jane Blanchard; Daragh Bradish;
Louis Daniel Brodsky; Andrew Button; Al Campbell; Kathryn Daszkiewicz;Christine Despardes; Jane Penaz Eisner;
June English; Jilly Funnell; Adrian Green; Maureen Jivani; Pete Langley;
Lance Lee; Amitabh Mitra; Keith Moul; Kate O’Shea; Helen Overell; Helen Pizzey; Jimmy Rodda;
Paul Saville; Tom Sharp; K.V. Skene; Julia Stothard; F. J. Williams   


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